IT Integration: Precise From the Start

Frontier Technologies unifies your IT components to optimize compatibility, scalability and cost

Your IT infrastructure is one of your most critical assets. We understand that for you, 100% uptime is 100% necessary. We know, because that’s where we started and that’s why we’re best in our class. We’re committed to providing the ongoing tech updates across your operation that your datacenters need to run flexibly, seamlessly and efficiently.

FTI Sustainability Healthcare


Right-sizing Storage

Let’s face it: storage can get expensive. We can help you identify the combination of hardware and software-defined systems that fits your needs – and even re-optimizes as your usage shifts. From tape drives to flash to a myriad of hybrids: our creative storage solutions could potentially save you millions of dollars and hundreds of square feet of floor space.

Maximize Your Network

Network integrity is one of the most critical components of your IT environment. We offer a complement of managed network services, software-defined networking, and network integration and connectivity consulting – without the hassle of forms to fill out or sales calls to take. Engage with us right now for a 30-minute, no-obligation consultation.

Put Your Computing in Overdrive

No matter how large or small your workload, we’ll help you to determine the lineup of servers, hardware and virtual or cloud infrastructure that best meets your computing needs. Work on any open source OS, or opt for one of our state-of-the-art partner datacenters that are FedRAMP-compliant.

All the Power You Need on Less Power

By evaluating your power consumption, efficiency and costs against the full spectrum of power devices, we can ensure you’re getting the most value out of your datacenter. Employing AI to automatically regulate temperature controls can save you real money: as much as 50% of datacenter cooling costs.

Visualize Virtual

Where could a layer of abstraction take your operation? With VMs and VDI environments, you can make your management more fluid, your access more secure, and your processes more efficient. Know what you need already? Ask us about how you can save with our VMware partnership.

Head to the Cloud

Let us show you where the cloud leads. Our infrastructure-as-service offerings give you the best of all worlds: flexibility, control, power. Mix and match the cloud environments you need, when you need them, in datacenters that are FedRamp-compliant. Schedule a consultation now.

IT infrastructure: It’s what your datacenter is built on, and it’s what we’ve built our business on. We’ll help you ensure that it’s rock solid, fluid and elastic – all at the same time.


